Leveraging specialist talent to support specialty insurers
Shaun Geils, global head of insurance at IQ-EQ, examines how traditional insurers can capitalise on lay-offs in the technology sector.
TRIA stabilised the insurance industry after 9/11
Greg Podleśny, co-founder of insurtech Acini, reflects on how the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act addressed the spike in insurance costs due to terrorism after the events of 9/11.
Biba’s Chapman on the enduring power of events
Trade Voice: Emma Chapman, the British Insurance Brokers’ Association’s conference director, considers the persistent importance of face-to-face events to the industry in the Zoom age.
Sorry saga signals signposting shortcomings
Editor’s View: Emma Ann Hughes argues the regulator needs to check how and when travel insurers are directing people with pre-existing medical conditions towards alternative products and services.
Allianz’s Côté on the insurer of the future
View from the Top: Nadia Côté, UK managing director of Allianz Commercial, outlines how changing customer needs, new technology and emerging risks will shape insurers over the next decade.
Lessons for insurers to learn from social media use of AI
Going head-to-head with artificial intelligence is pointless, according to Sarah Bateman, head of data and AI for Altus Consulting, who argues we need a blend of AI efficiency with human re-assurance to be successful.
Foil’s Tara McSorley on increasing damages awards in Northern Ireland
Trade Voice: Tara McSorley, chair of the Forum of Insurance Lawyers Northern Ireland and legal director at Clyde & Co, gives Post readers the rundown on recent changes to damages guidance.
FCA is banging its head against a wall on fair value
News Editor’s View: Following yet another thematic review where the Financial Conduct Authority says firms are unable to show fair value, and are even breaching rules, Scott McGee considers how the regulator could tackle poor conduct and asks if a…
Carpenters’ Scully calls for claims portal review
Donna Scully, owner and director of Carpenters Group, gives her honest review of the Official Injury Claims Portal and outlines what steps should be taken to decrease friction and satellite litigation.
The case for alternative dispute resolution
Adam Thorpe, associate director and head of litigation at Winn Group, examines how alternative dispute resolution could reduce lengthy court waiting times as well as getting compensation to claimants faster.
Operational resilience: will insurers meet the March 2025 deadline?
Sarah Ouarbya, partner for financial services consulting at Forvis Mazars, examines how insurers should prepare for the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority’s operational resilience rules coming into force.
If Labour wants economic growth, it should cut IPT
Editor’s View: As insurance premium tax receipts head ever closer towards £1bn a month, Emma Ann Hughes reckons the sector’s ambition to axe or significantly cut this regressive tax needs to be linked to Labour’s growth plans.
What Labour’s victory means for litigation funding in insurance
With a new Labour government in power, Glenn Newberry, head of litigation funding and costs at Eversheds Sutherland, reflects on what this could mean for litigation funding in the insurance industry.
Insurance commission: What’s the big deal?
Following the launch of a campaign by a group of tenants who feel they have been unfairly charged by their landlords for insurance commissions through service charge, David Marsden, property litigation partner at national law firm Freeths, defends…
Circular economy: A fresh approach to property repairs
Nick Turner, head of surveying at Woodgate & Clark, on the steps that need to be taken for insurers to adopt the circular economy in property repairs.
There’s no such thing as a safe battery
Dr Andrew Collins, senior associate of Halliwell Forensics, examines what’s behind the increase in battery fire claims and why there is no such thing as a “safe battery.”
Regulator to reduce red tape for general insurers
Editor’s View: Emma Ann Hughes reflects on how general insurers should be careful about what they wish for from the Financial Conduct Authority's review of the rules governing financial services.
Gallagher’s King on securing talent pools
View from the Top: Wendy King, managing director of talent acquisition at Gallagher, outlines what insurers and brokers need to do to secure their talent pools.
What insurers should know about the FCA’s anti-greenwashing rule
Alexandra Nurse, a partner at Kennedys, explains how the Financial Conduct Authority’s new anti-greenwashing rule will, in the long term, mitigate the risk of claims brought in the insurance sector so long as providers review their communications.
Mass’s Sue Brown on access to justice
Trade Voice: Sue Brown, chair of the Motor Accident Solicitors Society, says she would like to see a change of direction on civil justice from the new Labour government.
Is it time to ditch lithium ion batteries?
News Editor's View: Scott McGee considers if government legislation to make lithium ion batteries safer is too little too late for electric vehicle insurers and whether providers’ appetites for covering such cars will only return when manufacturers…