
Tom Luckham

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Articles by Tom Luckham

Q&A: Kaye Sydenham, Verisk

Kaye Sydenham, product manager - anti-fraud at Verisk, discusses her background, digital media manipulation, and data issues in travel insurance fraud.

CII criticises insurers’ profiting from premium finance

The Chartered Insurance Institute has questioned the ethics of making money from customers who pay monthly for insurance after Which? found several motor and home insurers were charging what the consumer watchdog called “excessively high levels of…

Which? reveals insurer premium finance APRs

Research conducted by Which? has found that several motor and home insurers are charging what the consumer watchdog called “excessively high levels of interest on monthly payments.”

Q&A: Kim Harrison, Apil

Kim Harrison, president of the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers, discusses her ambitions for her presidency, diversity in the industry and the justice gap in injury claims.

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