
Claims service stayed steady at end of 2024

The consistent improvement in claims service seen over the last 18 months plateaued at the end of 2024, with the market average NPS remaining at -4 and just one point up on the NPS recorded at the end of 2023.

FCA stops potential ghost broker from trading

The Financial Conduct Authority has stopped Arthur Temlett, trading as Abacus Insurance Consultants, from carrying out any regulated activities, including acting as an insurance broker.

Spotlight: Electric vehicles charge ahead

Electric vehicles continue to make major inroads in the car market. Saxon East assesses the prospect of accelerated EV growth in 2025 and what it means for the insurance industry

Is broker e-trading competitive enough?

With broker e-trading set to soar, Scott McGee examines whether there is currently enough breadth and depth of software providers to ensure effective competition, innovation and resilience in the market.

Is it time to write an obituary for telematics?

Content Director’s View: With once market leader Insurethebox now closed to new business and renewals, Jonathan Swift asks is the golden age of UK telematics insurance already over or should he wait to see how the latest new dawn pans out before writing…

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