QBE Insurance Group

Cyber regulation: Cyber’s new rules

The tightening of data regulation next year could drive demand for cyber cover and, with the reporting of breaches becoming compulsory, it may help underwriters price this new risk ever more accurately

Riding into the danger zone

The nature of their work means journalists and aid workers are often running into danger zones while others are looking to get out. Both professions have significant need for insurance but have sometimes struggled to obtain the cover they need at a price…

QBE appoints McMillan as COO

Sydney-headquartered QBE has appointed former CEO of Aviva Europe and chairman of global health insurance David McMillan as group chief operations officer.

Fagen leaves QBE and ICA position

QBE's group chief operations officer Colin Fagen has left the company this week and as a result has relinquished his role as president of the Insurance Council of Australia.

Roundtable: Talking marketing tactics

With the industry seeking to find out just how a single view of the customer can be achieved, Post, in association with Visionware, brought together specialists in a roundtable to discuss how digital is driving business

Q&A: Colin Fagen, Insurance Council of Australia

Post interviews Colin Fagen, former group chief operations officer at QBE, who assumed the role as president of the board of the Insurance Council of Australia at the beginning of January.

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