
Make your presence felt

Enterprise UK project manager Emma Thorn talks to Post about the major new SME initiative she is spearheading.

E-trading: is the tail wagging the dog?

Ian Forwood of Eurobase reviews the latest developments in electronic trading for the reinsurance and large commercial insurance sectors and asks, when it comes to technology, are early adopters gaining a competitive advantage?

Ex-SSP director joins Target Harlosh

Insurance software solutions provider Target Harlosh has appointed Mark Mullin as head of insurance services, to spearhead the company’s expansion plans in the UK and across Europe, Middle East and Africa and Asia Pacific.

Penny black's insurance week

Penny has been to her fair share of celebrity restaurants in the past, but it is not often that she gets to rub shoulders with the celebrities themselves.

QBE hopes to quell concerns

QBE expects its new-look underwriting structure to address broker concerns over the cross-selling of its products, chief executive Steven Burns has said.

WNS offers MOJ web solution

Motor claims management specialist WNS Assistance is offering insurers an integrated web service solution to the Ministry of Justice’s new electronically streamlined compensation system for low cost road traffic accident personal injury claims.

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