Political risks

Malaysia's growing political tensions

The political temperature in Malaysia is rising as the country heads towards its fourteenth general election writes Michael Lum, head of political risk and trade credit for Beazley in Singapore.

This week: Planning, predictions and packing

I am most definitely a planner. Being organised usually tops my list of attributes in appraisals and most of my life as a busy working mum is run by lists. In fact the holiday I'm just about to fly off to has been two years in the planning.

This Week: Stoic London

The generosity and heroic nature of Londoners came to the fore this week, when after two recent terrorism attacks the city saw the worst fire in recent history. Firefighters were heralded for entering the 24-storey flaming building and the community came…

Political risks: Halting new threats

Businesses with domestic and international footprints are increasingly demanding protection from political risks. But, as the threats have changed in recent years, so has the cover that serves to protect against them

Riding into the danger zone

The nature of their work means journalists and aid workers are often running into danger zones while others are looking to get out. Both professions have significant need for insurance but have sometimes struggled to obtain the cover they need at a price…