Biba Conference

Penny black's insurance week

If anyone had doubts about Axa's IT team, then Penny would like to say that its online policing is second to none. Just ask the member of staff who spent a few lunchtimes searching for "golden shower curtain rings".

Biba 2010 Countdown: Get to know your Biba representatives.

With 10 weeks to go before the start of the British Insurance Brokers¹ Association conference, Post has decided to shine a light on some of the perhaps lesser-known staff at the trade body. This week, we talk to Lindsay Campbell, Biba executive assistant.

Biba 2010: professionalism focus

The British Insurance Brokers’ Association has confirmed its business focused seminar programme for its 2010 conference and exhibition to be held on 19-20 May. Post, Insurance Age and PB are the official media partners for the conference.

Industry united in FSA fee opposition

The insurance industry has voiced its concern over the Financial Services Authority's "value for money" after the regulator announced increases to regulatory fees for the next 12 months.

Biba conference 2010

Professionalism in a changing world' will be the theme of the British Insurance Brokers' Association 2010 conference at the Excel conference centre in London on 19 and 20 May 2010.

Breaking the mould

This week, the Insurance Industry Working Group published its blueprint for the future of general insurance, highlighting the need to increase customer confidence and trust through improved financial education. With this in mind, Sandy Scott explains…

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