Axa XL

Marine - Post IUMI: Missing the boat?

A successful IUMI conference gave marine insurers plenty to mull over, reports Eric Alexander, not least the shocking statistic that hull insurance has been at a technical loss for the past 14 years.

Post Europe: Transport risk management

With constantly shifting suppliers and sales markets as well as the increase in use of outsourced production sites, companies face more and more transport exposures for their cargo. As Pascal Matthey explains, fast and safe deliveries require a holistic…

In Series - Professionalism & CPD: Welcome news

In the past, cutbacks and technology take-up have threatened to render underwriters the forgotten child of the insurance industry. Rachel Gordon reports on a welcome shift in attitude and determination to raise the profile of these specialist…

Monte Carlo roundtable: State of play

Mairi Mallon leads proceedings at the annual PricewaterhouseCoopers-sponsored Reinsurance roundtable at the Monte Carlo Rendezvous, where industry experts gathered to talk about the industry's hot topics.

Solicitors' PI numbers stable

The number of law firms without solicitors' professional indemnity cover has remained stable due to competition among qualifying insurers, XL Insurance has claimed.