Data analytics

News Analysis: Party conference season approaches

With the Green Party positioning itself as the ‘real opposition’ to the coalition government, reality TV star ‘White Dee’ Deidre Kelly set to speak at the Conservative Party Conference alongside David Cameron and the furore surrounding the ‘Yes’ vote…

Mobile Phones: Phone protection

Although 93% of adults in the UK own a mobile phone, only one in four is insured. Recent research has revealed the places consumers look to buy insurance and shows the key to unlocking the potential of this market

Blog: Rating hub-bub

False declarations are a bugbear for insurers. Mark Bates, CEO of insurance software specialist RDT, looks at the challenges and discusses technology to help defeat the fraudsters

Head to Head: Innovation

This year’s Airmic conference, taking place at Birmingham’s International Convention Centre, will see insurers and risk managers come together to share experiences and influence forward thinking. Post asked some leading industry figures to go head-to…