Environmental liability

Stakeholders agree flood roadmap

Environment minister Richard Benyon attended a flood management summit and met with insurers to discuss how best to ensure that insurance is widely available for homes at risk of flooding.

Inside view: Part of the solution

As we enter a difficult hurricane season, witness record monsoon rainfall in Asia and continue to count the costs involved in the Deepwater Horizon incident, is it time to look at these increasing environmental problems from a different perspective, asks…

Exclusive marine content now available

In Insurance Insight's latest "View from the Top" article RSA’s Richard Turner predicts what the major talking points will be at the at the International Union of Marine Insurance conference taking place in a few weeks.

View from the top – The right sustainability

Regulatory change, consumer choice and corporate responsibility are all driving business attitudes towards improved environmental performance, with smart sustainability strategies increasingly being seen as ‘sensible’ business practice.

Flood risk budget is slashed

The Environment Agency's budget for flood and coastal risk management has been slashed by £30m, following the government's plans to cut public spending by £6bn.