This Month: Covid-19

On the first Friday in April it is hard to remember what the first Friday in March was truly like. To misquote: that past was a foreign country, we did things differently then.

Analysis: After the flood

Storms Ciara and Dennis hit the UK on 8 and 16 February respectively, contributing to what was the wettest February since 1862. Post looks at the impact of the storms

Q&A: Julian Enoizi, Pool Re

Julian Enoizi, CEO of Pool Re, discusses coronavirus, the reclassification of Pool Re, tapping the ILS market again and moving to a treaty basis to help increase SME take-up of terrorism cover. He also responds to press speculation about ‘Pandemic Re’…

Aon’s Dudley becomes chair of Liiba

Richard Dudley, CEO of Aon’s UK Global Broking Centre, has succeeded Roy White of Marsh as chair of the London and International Insurance Brokers’ Association.