
AMA up and running.

The fledgling Accident Management Association, backed by a group of industry players, opened for bus...

Bija joins Donns.

Manchester-based Donns Solicitors, which claims to be the largest personal injury specialist in the ...

Appointment at NSCO.

Gary Lane and Simon Shaw, who previously worked for Property and Casualty Services in the loss adjus...

Sail through online.

Navigators & General, the pleasureboat insurance subsidiary of Zurich, can now provide brokers with ...

PIA halts suspension.

The Personal Investment Authority has revoked the suspension of Harvey Simon Medical Insurance Servi...

Livery Dinner.

The annual Livery Dinner of the Worshipful Company of Insurers will be held this year at the Mansion...

HHH acquisitions.

Hill House Hammond has acquired the personal lines and commercial business of Plymouth-based firm Cr...

AA team home in.

Towergate has teamed up with AA Insurance Services to provide non-standard household insurance to AA...

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