
Raising the Alarm.

Shelia Boyce, chief executive of Alarm, has hit the ground running in her new role. She is firmly committed to getting risk management to the top of everybody's agenda, and as Lynn Rouse discovered, a combination of factors means she's already well on…

PCS branches out.

Independent Insurance-backed loss adjuster Property & Casualty Services has expanded its branch netw...

Weighing up the home economics.

With technology making working from home more accessible, the financial and other benefits can make it an appealing employment solution all round. But there are downsides to the homework revolution, says Jane Bernstein.

News in brief.

French reinsurer Scor made substantial operating losses in its property and casualty (p&c) business ...

Kidnap cover to rise.

Most kidnappings are now motivated purely by economics, according to a Foreign Policy Centre report ...

Claimline expands.

Surrey-based personal injury no win, no fee specialist Claimline is understood to be seeking financi...

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