What's in a name?
Jonathan Guy's Viewpoint (Is the the end of the brand of hype and glory?, PM, Aug 27, p47) says that...
NCCI retention up.
Saudi Arabia's state insurance company, the National Company for Co-operative Insurance (NCCI), incr...
Expulsion leaves Bain Clarkson in fresh scandal.
Lloyd's broker Bain Clarkson has been caught up in another scandal after the Lloyd's Disciplinary Tr...
Aon restructuring.
Aon Risk services has announced a streamlined management structure to focus extra resources on the p...
Committee gives Davies rough ride.
Howard Davies, chairman of the Financial Services Authority, got a rough ride last week at the hands...
Ten years on, brokers sing same song.
As the British Insurance and Investment Brokers' Association gathers in Harrogate for its annual con...
Q&A: Richard Ward, Cunningham Lindsey
Former CEO of Lloyd’s, Richard Ward joined Cunningham Lindsey as executive chairman in June 2014. He talks about and the challenges faced by loss adjusters during a difficult and uncertain landscape.