
Debits In Credit.

With the premium finance market becoming more competitive, providers are giving the brokers what they want - a fuss-free computerised service with a personal touch, explains Jonathan Swift.

Looking for Mr and Mrs Right.

The worrying trends in the industry's personnel policies over the last 10 years can be reversed through careful recruitment of staff. Paul Cotter reports.

Third party data.

In a bid to contain credit hire costs following accidents involving non-fault third parties, NIG Ska...

Medicine men.

All is not well in the insurance industry. As several new entrants consolidate their position, some of the traditional insurance and financial services have started shouting 'nurse'. Jonathan Swift discovers help is at hand.

Sterling pension.

IFA-only product provider Sterling has a new flexible unit-linked single contribution personal pensi...

Amatuer football.

Amateur footballers are getting more breaks than ever. Unfortunately these breaks lead to the bright...

M&S assurances.

The lowering of mortality rates has prompted a battle of rates reduction for term assurance among fi...

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