Insurance Post Staff

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Articles by Insurance Post Staff

Maintaining the links.

Doing business by electronic data interchange brings its own hazards. David Morey explains what steps insurance companies can take to keep the links in the supply chain secure.

RSA's NZ life deal.

Royal & Sun Alliance has made a successful bid for the life insurance operation of Norwich Union in ...

Aiming for a direct hit.

After successfully targetting motor, household and travel insurance, direct writing outfits now have other sectors in their sights. Steve Banner discusses which areas might prove to be sitting ducks.

Lloyd's skies are for LIMIT.

Insurance group LIMIT has announced its intention to acquire the outstanding 30% of Lloyd's managing...

Swiss Re buys NCM.

Swiss Re has announced it plans to secure a majority share holding in NCM, the Netherlands based cre...

Smoking out burglars.

The Motorcycle Mart in Kidderminster has received a thumbs up from Guardian Insurance for its 'Smoke...

Heath joins BIPAR.

Garry Heath, chief executive of the IFA Association, has been appointed the first ever European fina...

New IFA services.

IFA Portfolio is planning to launch a new company to provide a spread of services for directly regul...

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