Insurance Post Staff

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Articles by Insurance Post Staff

Appointment at Midas IT.

Harry Bains has been appointed head of recruitment services at Midas. Based in London, he will le...

Hong Kong scrum choice.

A managing partner from insurance litigation specialists Horwich Farrelly Solicitors, has been selec...

A matter of life & death.

The AIDS scare and smoking research have caused actuaries to revise UK mortality tables and term assurers to adjust their rules. So where does this leave the IFA. Keith Sankey reports.

Out of the ordinary.

In most actions, the plaintiff has to prove that an accident was caused by another's negligence. But courts often look at road traffic accidents in a different light and expect defendants to bear the burden of proof. Ken Cannar looks at this.

Appointment at Gan Insurance.

Steve Reid has left CIGNA, where he was branch property underwriter, to join Gan as senior corporate...

Clerical screens ad.

Clerical Medical (CM) has launched a television advert which advises consumers to contact their IFA,...

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