
Airmic launches riots claims resource

Commercial insurance buyers group Airmic has compiled a list of expert resources for firms making riot-damage claims and says it will update with new advice as it arrives.

Incisive Media cleans up at the Biba Awards 2011

Journalists from Post and sister title Insurance Age topped three categories and received four highly commended awards at the British Insurance Brokers’ Association’s 2011 journalist of the year awards.

Damage management - Surge: Surging ahead

Recent surge events have shown insurers are getting better at coping with large numbers of claims but there is still room for improvement. Sam Barrett finds out what could make a crucial difference the next time an extreme event occurs.

Editor's comment: keeping the buzz alive

After the initial buzz of excitement swarmed round the industry at the prospect of an insurer-funded dedicated police unit to combat fraud, all has gone strangely quiet. Fair enough, the Association of British Insurers did stress that its discussions…

Litigation fears in wake of NZ quake

The New Zealand earthquakes in September 2010 and February 2011 have left some brokers and insurers at risk of litigation, the chief executive of Cunningham Lindsey's New Zealand operation has warned.