CII sees rise in qualification numbers
The Chartered Insurance Institute has today reported a 15% annual increase in the number of its insurance qualifications completed in 2024.
Lloyd’s broker CEO under investigation for sexual misconduct
Insurance Post understands the CEO of a Lloyd’s broker is under investigation for sexual misconduct and drug use, among other things.
Ukraine war risks market set to expand after reinsurance deal
Ukrainian insurers are looking to expand war risks cover for businesses following the announcement of a new €110m (£91m) reinsurance facility last week, put together by Aon and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
Insurers Review of the Year 2024
Insurers share their highlights of 2024 and hopes for more economic stability, less regulatory tinkering and fewer storms in 2025.
Top 50 Reinsurers of 2024 revealed
Munich Re and Swiss Re remain at the top of Insurance Post’s Top 50 Reinsurers 2024 list, despite Christopher Pennings, financial analyst at AM Best, observing the rankings have been shaken up by a shift in accounting requirements.
RSA brand name to be dropped for Intact next year
Insurance Post understands the RSA and NIG brand names are both to be dropped next year, to be replaced by the branding of parent company, Intact.
Cila elects Global Risk Solutions' Humphrey as president
Adam Humphrey, CEO of CCS & GRS International at Global Risk Solutions, has been elected as the new president of the Chartered Institute of Loss Adjusters and has his eyes on the professional body expanding internationally.
Top risk for UK businesses; WTW’s latest launch; Lloyds Bank’s head of insurance
Friday Round-Up: Insurance Post wraps up the major insurance deals, launches, investments and strategic moves of the week.
Q&A: Theo Duchen, Acturis
Theo Duchen, co-CEO and co-founder of Acturis, discusses Astorg’s increased stake in the company, how best to implement artificial intelligence, and why he thinks his business is well placed to take on rivals in the US and Canada.
Cut-through clauses: a two-speed, double-edged tool
Cut-through clauses are a complex concept with many potential pitfalls with which those in the reinsurance industry may regularly need to engage, according to Emmanuèle Lutfalla and Nour Jonot, partner and associate respectively at the Paris office of…
Diary of an Insurer: Consilium’s Roxy Zeb
Roxy Zeb, partner in Consilium’s professional and executive risks team, talks about getting back into the Lloyd’s and the London market after 10 years in Australia, her desire to inspire and drive greater diversity, as well as her love of property…
RSA ‘not finished’ building commercial book
Briefing: Sources have told Insurance Post that RSA is ‘not finished’ with its commercial build, with one claiming the insurer is looking at the potential purchase of Covéa’s commercial lines business.
Q&A: Gus Majed, Paratus
Gus Majed, group CEO and founder of Paratus, explains why he launched the business to offer energy and freight insurance policies to protect producers and consumers from energy price risks.
Impact of war in Ukraine on insurance
Two years on from Russia invading Ukraine, David Worsfold examines the ongoing impact of the war on global insurance markets.
Aviva to return to Lloyd’s ‘by the end of the year’
Aviva will be in Lloyd’s by the end of the year, after years of rumours suggesting the insurer's return to the marketplace, a source has told Insurance Post.
AA buys Key Care; RSA launches hub; Gallagher Re’s Melia to retire
Friday Round-Up: Insurance Post wraps up the major insurance deals, launches, investments and strategic moves of the week.
New year, new shape of the City for insurers
As Lloyd’s stays put in Lime Street and Aviva kicks off 2024 in a new City HQ, Emma Ann Hughes examines how insurers are reshaping the square footage they occupy in the Square Mile.
Hiscox and Google collaborate; Axis syndicate; Biba’s 2024 conference theme
Friday Round-Up: Insurance Post wraps up the major insurance deals, launches, investments and strategic moves of the week.
UK develops secure AI guidelines
The UK has published guidelines to ensure the secure development of artificial intelligence technology.
Top 50 Reinsurers of 2023 revealed
Munich Re remained in first place of Insurance Post’s Top 50 Reinsurers 2023 list, with Swiss Re and Hannover Rück SE joining Munich Re on the podium this year.
Arch takes Aon team; Gallagher expands operations; Vision Track’s CEO
Friday Round-Up: Insurance Post wraps up the major insurance deals, launches, investments and strategic moves of the week.