
Top 50 Reinsurers of 2024 revealed

Munich Re and Swiss Re remain at the top of Insurance Post’s Top 50 Reinsurers 2024 list, despite Christopher Pennings, financial analyst at AM Best, observing the rankings have been shaken up by a shift in accounting requirements.

Q&A: Theo Duchen, Acturis

Theo Duchen, co-CEO and co-founder of Acturis, discusses Astorg’s increased stake in the company, how best to implement artificial intelligence, and why he thinks his business is well placed to take on rivals in the US and Canada.

Cut-through clauses: a two-speed, double-edged tool

Cut-through clauses are a complex concept with many potential pitfalls with which those in the reinsurance industry may regularly need to engage, according to Emmanuèle Lutfalla and Nour Jonot, partner and associate respectively at the Paris office of…

Diary of an Insurer: Consilium’s Roxy Zeb

Roxy Zeb, partner in Consilium’s professional and executive risks team, talks about getting back into the Lloyd’s and the London market after 10 years in Australia, her desire to inspire and drive greater diversity, as well as her love of property…

Q&A: Gus Majed, Paratus

Gus Majed, group CEO and founder of Paratus, explains why he launched the business to offer energy and freight insurance policies to protect producers and consumers from energy price risks.

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