Axa XL

Solicitors' PI: Taking a gamble

While their low prices make unrated carriers an attractive option for solicitors seeking professional indemnity insurance, are they worth the risk? And do small law firms have any alternative?

Budget constraints increase challenges for European risk managers

Europe’s risk managers are being challenged to find innovative and cost-effective solutions to cross-border, complex risks but are not necessarily being given budget increases to do so, according to findings from the 2013 Risk Frontiers European Survey.

View from the Top: Cut out the jargon

It is vital to make sure the customer is presented with clear and concise policy wording, says Nigel Bamber, Country manager, UK, XL Group.

Editor's comment: Bad gambles see millions dropped

While the average 2.2 million viewers of The Million Pound Drop often urge contestants to take a gamble, they are well aware of one vital rule that it seems some insurers have forgotten: if you are not 100% sure of the answer, the only way to proceed is…

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