
TUC launches Action Mesothelioma Day

The Trades Union Congress has launched Action Mesothelioma Day, with an awareness campaign to highlight the dangers of asbestos it claims could still be lurking in up to 1.5 million shops, factories and offices across the UK.

QuestGates to acquire Mayne Partnership

Loss adjuster QuestGates is to acquire specialist liability adjusters The Mayne Partnership, merging the company’s three offices, in Birmingham, Macclesfield and Worcester, into QuestGates’ existing operations.

Business Interruption - Last man standing

Business interruption insurance has been forced into the spotlight following the London bombings and the Buncefield explosion last year. Jane Bernstein reports on the options available to make sure businesses survive disasters like these

Rehabilitation - Examining standards

As rehabilitation becomes increasingly important to insurance claims, Dr Edmund Bonikowski explains why it is only a matter of time before rehabilitation providers will need universal accreditation

ABI Claims Reform - A cost-cutting exercise

The Association of British Insurers recently published it's Care and Compensation paper, which could have huge implications on the way personal injury compensation claims are handled. Stephanie Denton reports

Adjuster in Lloyd's insurer win

Amlin Insurance Services has added Questgates to its panel of adjusters, following a trial period during which it handled property and liability claims for the group.

The right to view

The Court of Appeal has ruled that Lloyd's insurance policies give underwriters the right to obtain copies of documents from insureds. Kenneth Underhill and James Stockwell report on the implications for the wider industry

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