Gender ruling

Ageas “disappointed” in gender directive decision

Commenting on the European Court of Justice ruling on the gender Directive, Ageas said it is disappointed that the European Court has ruled that differential insurance pricing based on statistical gender differences will no longer be permitted from…

ECJ gender ban is “disappointing”

The decision by the European Court of Justice to ban the use of gender in insurance policies from December 2012 is disappointing news according to the Association of British Insurers.

Gender ruling raises concern over age discrimination

In addition to raising insurance premiums for women, there are fears that today’s European Court of Justice ruling that gender based pricing in insurance is illegal, will lead to further challenges with regard to age discrimination.

CEA opposes gender ruling

The CEA, the European insurance and reinsurance federation, has expressed disappointment at the European Court of Justice ruling preventing EU insurers from using actuarial and statistical factors based on sex in their risk assessment after 21 December…