
CEA boss outlines concerns to Commission public hearing

The CEA, the European insurance and reinsurance federation, today reiterated its support for the EU’s new Solvency II regulatory regime but called for more work to be done on the Level 2 measures that will put the flesh on the bones of the Framework…

CEA boss outlines concerns to Commission public hearing

The CEA, the European insurance and reinsurance federation, today reiterated its support for the EU’s new Solvency II regulatory regime but called for more work to be done on the Level 2 measures that will put the flesh on the bones of the Framework…

Q&A - Vanbreda

In the second of a regular focus on European insurance companies and brokers, Insurance Insight talks to the management of Vanbreda, the Belgium-based broker, which is part of the EOS Risq group.

Post Europe Q&A - Vanbreda

In the second of a regular focus on European insurance companies and brokers, Post Europe talks to the management of Vanbreda, the Belgium-based broker, which is part of the EOS Risq group.

European bancassurance remains viable claims Fitch

However, in its latest study is added there is limited benefit in running a conglomerate bank-insurance organization, where there are typically few operational links between a bank and an insurer.

European bancassurance remains viable claims Fitch

However, in its latest study is added there is limited benefit in running a conglomerate bank-insurance organization, where there are typically few operational links between a bank and an insurer.