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Insurance Taskmaster Episode Five: Insuring driverless flying taxis in Milton Keynes [2042]

However, for the fifith episode the twist is that the contestants are thrown forward to 2042 where a driverless flying taxi pilot is about to start in Milton Keynes. Run by Aeras A-2-Z, a US tech giant, it is similar to one launched in Seattle two years earlier.

Milton Keynes has been chosen as it is the ‘most connected’ Smart City in the UK with a billion censors. It was granted city status for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and now homes some 500 000 people.

So against this backdrop the teams will be bidding to win the insurance and risk management contract for the pilot.

The teams will each have an hour to come up with a pitch, with the one considered the most comprehensive being crowned the winner.

With this in mind:

  • Whose smart ideas are going give Aeras A-2-Z the most bang for their bucks?
  • Which team is going to fly; and who is getting a taxi to Loserville?
  • Who is on track to navigate the roundabouts and claim the overall title of Insurance Taskmaster 2022 next week?