Association of British Insurers (ABI)

Credit hire: Stuck on you

After Axa spurned the Association of British Insurers' general terms of agreement, many thought other motor insurers would follow suit. Rachel Gordon examines why a mass exodus has not occurred.

Overseas illness costs

The Association of British Insurers has highlighted that the cost of falling ill abroad has hit a record high, as travel insurers helped an unprecedented number of people needing emergency medical treatment while overseas.

Kelly quits ABI

The Association of British Insurers is on the hunt for a new director general following the announcement that Kerrie Kelly has stepped down.

ABI: liability classes lead rise in fraud detection

Figures from the Association of British Insurers published this week are expected to reveal the amount of insurance fraud detected and prevented last year by its members rose again, reaching a total of 122 000 cases — up from 107 00 in 2008 — with a…

ABI: travel claims hit all time high

Figures released today by the Association of British Insurers highlight that the cost of falling ill abroad has hit a record high, as travel insurers helped a record number of people needing emergency medical treatment while overseas.

Penny Black's insurance week

Last week, Post reported how the Association of British Insurers' director of general insurance and health, Nick Starling, attended a conference for fire and rescue specialists in Harrogate.

Dry spell linked to subsidence risk

As the Met Office confirms the first five months of 2010 in the UK to be the driest since 1964, it is likely there could be a rise in subsidence claims, according to Cunningham Lindsey.

Technology - E-certificates: Certifiable progress

Jakki May explains that changes to the law regarding e-certificates for motor insurance mean that the industry can now make headway in dispensing with old-style postal delivery, potentially saving millions on printing while also reducing fraud.

No grace period on IPT

London market insurers and brokers have been told they will not be given the same grace period as when faced with the last hike in insurance premium tax.

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