
Callum Brodie

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Articles by Callum Brodie

ABI clarifies legal position of riot compensation

The ABI has moved to reassure customers that they are covered for riot damage under their home and business insurance following bogus reports that the police need to designate recent events as a “riot” before compensations schemes are activated.

PwC warns of riot cover exceptions

PricewaterhouseCoopers bosses have urged customers to check the small print of their policies amid concerns that the impact of recent rioting may not be included in insurance contracts.

Groupama boss encouraged by interim results

Groupama CEO François-Xavier Boisseau has described the first six months of the year as "very encouraging” for the company’s UK businesses, following interim results in which a combined UK operations profits increase of 34% was recorded.

Oval appoints three to board in restructure

Executive board members at Oval have moved quickly to explain the firm’s ongoing restructuring process amid suggestions that former group managing director Jeff Herdman had been demoted.

JLT denies Aon takeover bid

JLT chief executive Dominic Burke has branded claims of a potential takeover bid from rival broker Aon as “unimaginable and frankly ridiculous”.

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