Subject: Insurance Post forward features


Insurance Post Forward Features List

Please find below full details of articles currently being written for Insurance Post.


The following features, podcasts and analysis pieces are being produced for Insurance Post in the next few weeks.


If you would like to contribute comment, information or data to the features listed below, then please contact the journalist directly by no later than the deadline stated. Telephone interviews will be given priority over written submissions.


If you would like a spokesperson to take part in one of podcasts listed below, please email The podcasts will be recorded on Wednesday 18 September and Thursday 26 September in our studios at Infopro Digital’s offices, 133 Houndsditch, London, EC3A 7BX.



Get involved in 2024


Diary of an Insurer will give those working in the insurance industry a glimpse of what the working week is like for individuals in different functions across an array of companies in the sector. To share your experience of working in insurance please email


Our 60 Seconds with column allows you to really find out what makes middle managers tick. What can’t they live without? What chores do they hate? What would they call their autobiography? Do you know a middle manager who we should get to know better? Contact


Also, if you would like to share your thoughts on the latest insurance news, data, and market activity, then please email your opinion piece ideas to

Insurance Post dives into diversity

To coincide with this year’s Dive In Festival, Insurance Post will explore what steps the industry has taken in the last decade to become more diverse plus what extra action, rules and regulations are required to embed an inclusive culture in the sector in the next 10 years.


Topic: Embedding an inclusive culture in insurance


Contact: Emma Ann Hughes (

Deadline: Wednesday 24 July


Post is looking for insurers willing to share the diversity, inclusion and equity progress they feel has been achieved by the insurance industry during the last decade plus what more work needs to be done.

We want to receive:

  • Recollections of the part they played in making this a more inclusive insurance industry by leading initiatives, introducing policies, challenging bad behaviour, creating safe spaces, establishing networks, etc.
  • What have they learned from their personal journey and what do they feel needs to improve in the next decade?
  • What changes need to happen to get businesses to view inclusive and diverse cultures not just as a business requirement but as a pivotal factor for long-term success?

We are looking for opinion pieces of no more than 600-words, along with a photograph of the author, submitted by Wednesday 24 July. If you are interested in sharing your story, please contact as soon as possible.


Topic: How to axe the insurance industry’s Old Boy’s Club


Writer: Damisola Sulaiman (

Deadline: Wednesday 24 July


Women who took part in the University of Nottingham’s equity, diversity and inclusion study last year repeatedly told the university’s researchers they felt “overlooked” and “not heard” compared to their white male colleagues.

Participants in the poll of 125 individuals working in the sector said men who were “personal contacts” of senior people in the organisation sharing socio-economic backgrounds and enjoying cricket, golf, football, and rugby together had the best career prospects.

  • How are insurance companies reviewing job adverts, role descriptions, promotions, and reward criteria to tackle nepotism in the insurance industry?
  • How are insurers ensuring everyone is aware of opportunities?
  • Can artificial intelligence be used to remove prejudicial words in insurance job advertisements? What terms put people off applying for roles in the sector?
  • What is the sector doing to challenge “stale, pale, male” perceptions of the make-up of the industry and end the “Old Boy’s Club” where you must drink and enjoy sport to climb the career ladder?
  • What has been done to empower HR departments to ensure unconscious bias and bad behaviour in recruitment is tackled? How can you make sure HR isn’t the lapdog of insurance leaders and allowing friends, university mates and family to leapfrog into top roles?




Topic: Personalise insurance or fall foul of disruptors


Writer: David Worsfold (

Deadline: Friday 26 July


How do you design personalised, embedded products to make the most of new distribution models and avoid disruptors swooping in and stealing your lunch?

  • What changes have insurers made to their products and services to reflect changing customer expectations?
  • What disruptors are teaching traditional insurers a thing or two to about how to understand and offer the customer exactly what they want?
  • Could tech giants and car manufacturers shake-up the future sale and distribution of insurance products?


Topic: Supply chains facing unprecedented challenges


Writer: Tim Evershed (

Deadline: Friday 26 July


Supply chains are facing unprecedented challenges from a range of geopolitical and environmental risks.

Incidents like the recent attacks in the Red Sea, drought in the Panama Canal and the recent Baltimore bridge collision, all have the potential to create cascading exposures.

Key pinch points continue to operate at reduced capacity, delays increase, and cargoes are diverted via longer routes. This adds to expense and changes risk profiles on these extended journeys.

In addition, supply chains are being impacted by protectionist trade deals, cyber risks and economic challenges including inflation.

  • What are the risks facing global supply chains and how are they evolving?
  • How are extended journeys changing the risks that insurers are covering?
  • How is inflation impacting on cargo values, insurance limits and claims?
  • How can the insurance industry help supply chain participants in terms of risk management?
  • What role can technology play on customising cover and delivering fit-for-purpose insurance solutions?




The following podcasts are being produced by Insurance Post.

If you would like a spokesperson to take part in one of the podcasts listed below, please email The podcasts will be recorded on Wednesday 18 September and Thursday 26 September in our studios at Infopro Digital’s offices, 133 Houndsditch, London, EC3A 7BX.

Sustainable Future: The Next 10 Years of Diversity and Inclusion

  • What needs to happen to ensure insurers view inclusive and diverse cultures not just as a business requirement but as a pivotal factor for long-term success?
  • What has worked in the sector to make it more diverse over the last decade and what further steps need to be taken to achieve an inclusive culture?
  • Who has wowed you with their efforts to tackle inequality, confront prejudice and be an ally for those with protected characteristics?
  • Looking ahead to 2034 - what will the industry be like by then?


What to expect from a Labour government

  • What impact will Labour’s Plan for Drivers - which aimed to address issues faced by UK motorists such as the increased cost of insurance, potholes, and electric vehicle charging infrastructure - have on insurers?
  • Labour pledged it will work with the private sector to double onshore wind, triple solar power, and quadruple offshore wind by 2030. How will providers support this transition?
  • The Manifesto promised Labour would double the size of the UK’s co-operative and mutuals sector by working with the sector to address the barriers they face, such as accessing finance. Could we see fresh entrants to the industry?
  • What are the ramifications of Labour’s National Policy Planning Framework, which will restore mandatory housing targets, for home insurers? Will Flood Re continue to be required?


Autonomous vehicle revolution shaking-up insurance

The autonomous vehicle revolution is set to transform the way we travel from A to B, and could also have a significant impact on the way motor insurance works.

  • How are insurers improving their understanding of these vehicles to underwrite appropriately?
  • What clarity is required in relation to accidents involving autonomous vehicles?
  • How are patterns of vehicle ownership are already starting to change as self-driving cars hit the roads?
  • Could the insurance model shift from issuing policies to individuals and more to a fleet or business-to-business model?


How insurers are helping the life science sector

After the turbulence of the last few years, the life sciences sector is returning to traditional business priorities with companies looking to launch products and expand into new markets.

  • How is the risk profile of the sector changing with smart manufacturing, intellectual property issues and regulatory requirements relating to contaminants?
  • Stockpiling, panic buying, and supply issues have all grabbed headlines during and post pandemic. What can insurers do to help the life sciences sector address these issues?
  • How are insurers helping the sector spot weak points in their risk management processes?
  • What are the emerging risks?


How to reskill to ensure AI doesn’t take your job

  • What roles could become redundant or significantly transform as a result of the way insurers are rolling out AI across their businesses?
  • How will other roles change as a result of this technology?
  • How can insurance employees reskill or develop to ensure they continue to work in this sector?
  • What support should insurers offer employees concerned about their prospects as a result of this technology?


How to support insurance customers in vulnerable circumstances

The FCA has raised concerns about whether firms are identifying whether any customers are experiencing different outcomes compared with another group buying the same product, and to understand why this is the case.

  • How can insurers monitor the outcomes experienced by distinct groups of customers?
  • What action should be taken to address customers with characteristics of vulnerability getting worse outcomes than other customers for the same product?
  • What steps have insurers taken to understand the needs of these customers and ensure their products/services are suitable?


Inspecting and impressing in the gadget insurance market

The proliferation of smartphones, laptops, and other essential electronics has led to growing demand for protective measures against risks like accidental damage, theft, and loss.

  • How are gadget insurers leveraging online platforms to enhance policy accessibility and management for both individual and business clients?
  • Does the way gadget insurance is underwritten need to change and increase the focus on how the owners makes use of their device?
  • How can the use of IoT and telematics technology refine risk assessments and claims processing?
  • What impact has increased awareness of cyber security and the environmental impact of our desire for the latest iPhone had on this type of cover?


How insurers can do more to assist energy transition

As The 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference, more commonly referred to as COP28, kicks off in Expo City, Dubai, on 30 November, what do record high temperatures in the summer and increased incidence of flooding in the winter mean for insured losses and managing surges in claims?

  • How is the industry working together to make sure adequate cover is affordably available for the increased risk to property and livelihoods?
  • With wildfire risk a growing threat, what products are affected - property, agriculture, livestock, and energy?
  • What are insurers doing to work with insureds to make to make sure buildings and products are more resilient against extreme weather?
  • How are insurers shifting from capacity providers to partners of green energy companies to fast track the race to net zero?
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